‘I must go where the wild goose goes, And I must go where the wild goose roams Wild goose, brother goose, which is best, A wandering fool or a heart at rest...’ Frankie Lane
The DeKlein of Pigs and Men is the story of one man’s journey towards the ultimate gun battle and his need to tell this story – before the final reel.Provocative and humorous,the work is an exploration of maleness, sonness, fatherness, bigness, smallness, Jewishness, Israeliness, Australianess and pigs!
A 187cm Israeli/Australian embarks on a journey that leads him on a challenging, physical and humorous road trip with his father that begins in East Bentleigh, Melbourne and takes him to Israel, New York, the Munkachievo forest in Poland, back to Israel, back to Australia and finally back to East Bentleigh, Melbourne. On the way he encounters characters ranging from Muhammed Ali and Nikki Lauda, to that ‘ultimate gunslinger for hire’ – God!
Writer/Performer: Eddie Tamir Director/Dramaturge: Deborah Leiser-Moore
Performed at: Chapel off Chapel Theatre Melbourne University St Kilda Town Hall Glen Eira Town Hall